
Showing posts from 2011


If you read my last blog post, you know I said I was going to write everyday from now on.  Unfortunately, that was a couple of days ago, and as you can see I didn't stick to my statement. I forgot.  Really, after I posted that, I didn't remember to write another blog the next day.  As I'm writing this, I realize I need to set the time apart to blog in my calendar — with reminders and everything! The goal is to learn and practice to write my thoughts out, but if I don't do it, then I won't really get to do what this. It's not easy having a clear thought of what each blog post should be about, and I'm pretty confident you can find a lot of similar posts around the internet that can back this up. What am I doing right now? Looking at domains from - they're really cheap!  I want to move some of my domains over and try them out as well as perhaps register a new domain to host my new projects that I can only hope one day will come into fruiti

I am going to write daily

Somewhere, I don't know where, I read writing is a good exercise for your mind because it forces you to put your thoughts together and come up with something that makes sense (most of the times). Today, or tonight really, I'm taking the first step in a new direction that will force me to write something here daily. I really want to keep my word this time, I will begin by writing my about page, as a quick intro so anyone who wonders here one day, might care to know who I am or who I was. Also, who knows, maybe my children will read this one day and wonder just what the heck I was thinking. Live and let live.