The Evolution of the Personal Web

One word: Blogging. Is this what is has come to? Not too long ago, one needed to be pretty tech-savvy to install a script on one's own website and after trial-and-error successfully setup the required components to create a "blog" (which back then was known as content management systems -- I guess the CMS initials were not trendy enough).

Now, one can create such a site in a matter of seconds. The biggest timesink is in finding the title and webaddress. Oh, did I mention blogs are free? Well, not free as in posting whatever content you want, but as in you have no financial obligations.

Really, web logs -- sorry, I mean BLOGS -- have filled the internet with a lot of "crap," yes even this blog might be considered crap by some people, but the amount of spam and content cloning has increased significantly, because anyone can make a few dollars by posting the same information, plagiarizing what someone might of taken the time to develop, research and create and claiming it their own.


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