The Focus Problem

Some days, it's easy to get into the work I have laid out in front of me. I think of it as interesting or worthwhile and I finish it as fast as I possibly can.

Other days, I have a really hard time getting started. I know I have a pile of work to do, and that it's not going away, but unconsciously I find myself distracted away, looking for a new subject of interest online, or getting caught in the "Option Loop." The loop is simply thinking about all the options, but getting stuck not starting or finishing any of them. It's almost like a mental deadlock.

Most of the times I am able to regain focus and productivity by:
  1. Getting a cup of coffee or a high-caffeine soda
  2. Turning on the lights
  3. Adjusting my chair
  4. Walking around a little bit
  5. Talking to someone else about my projects
Unfortunately, there are times when none of the above works. The biggest problem is I know the best time to start is now, so I have no excuses.

How do you get into your work when you're just not feeling it?


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